Anxiety Affirmation  

Becoming resilient requires confronting adversity.

Becoming resilient requires confronting adversity.

I embrace new challenges, even when success seems unlikely. I know that when I learn from my mistakes, I increase my potential for future successes. I take pride in my ability to recover from missteps.

Each time I stumble, I pick myself up. The more often this occurs, the easier it becomes to recover.

Adversity empowers me.

Enduring through misfortune strengthens my resolve. I become more persistent, my sense of resilience is reinforced. I grow stronger, more confident, and less afraid of the challenges that await me.

Being resilient takes practice and commitment.

Where others find it easy to give up, I now find it difficult to quit. I push through the most difficult obstacles by identifying the possibilities of improvement awaiting me at the end.

I share with others my ability to confront adversity with a positive attitude. As a result, we become a stronger team. Others depend on me for my strength, and I am able to depend on them, too. I am strong on my own, but as a team, we are unstoppable.

Today, I am resilient to adversity. I embrace my failures and learn from them. I gladly take on new obstacles. I feel confident about enlisting the assistance of those around me, so we can face the challenge together. 

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What lessons do I learn from failure?
  2. Which character traits improve my ability to be resilient?
  3. What is the most difficult part of facing adversity?

Affirmations For You

Choose any area you want to work on, print the affirmation or carry it on your phone. Every time you think of it, repeat it... verbatim if you are reading it, or as well as you can remember it. It doesn't have to be perfect, you are simply reinforcing the new belief in your subconscious mind... over and over again! 

Read what Gene has to offer on Affirmations too! If you like what he teaches, please start at the beginning of his workshop to get the best learning experience!



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