Looking for a Life Coach Online?

Meet Wendy, Life Coach for Older Adults, like me!

I am a Certified Life Purpose Coach and Retirement Coach via the Life Purpose Institute. I love to help people through issues in life, especially when we feel stuck. I can help you move forward to a better life!

As a Life Coach, I can help you when you have decisions to make in life, when you need hand-holding for life transitions, and even hold you accountable to complete what you need to do.

As a Retirement Coach, I feel a deep need to help those who get "stuck" in retirement. Just when we should be living life on our terms, we feel lost. Why does that happen?

Does this sound like you?

  • You simply feel lost
  • Life is falling apart and decisions are difficult
  • You worry too much -- about finances, marriage, employment & more
  • You can't sleep well, too many worries 
  • You need new purpose and direction for life
  • You need more meaningful work
  • You want to find peace and calm
  • On and On it goes... 

YOU might need a Life Coach!

What IS a Life Coach?

Coaching is a confidential, comfortable space where you can talk through your thoughts and feelings honestly, without fear of feeling judged.

I will ask you questions to allow you to think deeply about your life and where you choose to go next. I might challenge your thinking sometimes as we often think something is a fact -- but in reality it is a long held beleif that simply isn't true. Coaching is all about your future and what you want next in life.

Afterwards, you can take A-C-T-I-O-N, with or without me helping you along! Big life changes or small adjustments that you may have thought about, sometimes for years, but now the time is right. With my help, you will overcome negative mindsets to do what you want to do. Now, not tomorrow!

Life simply ROCKS after you get back on track. Sometimes, our head is so full of problems, we can't think straight to find the solutions. Find a few, take action on them, baby steps one by one, and you might find a completely unexpected lifestyle that rocks your little world!

Your ideas, Your momentum, Your Better Life!  

Problems you might associate with coaching:

  • You really don't want to pay for a Life Coach - Yes, finances are definitely important but so is your life. Depending on your issues, you could recover my fees with a new mindset. Life becomes full again and you can find new income paths. You only get one lifetime.
  • You need approval from your partner - I hear this often, after all, you both control expenses in the relationship. All I ask is that you consider what your problems are doing TO your relationship. With help, you could mend a relationship, or choose to end one that isn't in your best interests.
  • You aren't quite ready - I totally get that. The problem here is: When will you be ready to tackle your problems (instead of letting them control your life)? 
  • You feel hopeless, nothing will fix your problems - WOW! This one I've heard many times and yet is the most UN-true of all these coaching thoughts. No matter how low yo feel, there are ways to reconnect with your life. Find who you were meant to be. It is simply never ever ever too late. If you have anxiety, your never ending thoughts often drag you deeper into the muck of life... depression isn't nice. Anxiety and depression can be helped if you talk to your doctor, please.
  • You will attempt to do this yourself- Some people do succeed once they become clear what it is that is truly wrong in life. What often happens: We second guess ourselves. We don't trust our intuition or ideas. We procrastinate -- maybe try that idea tomorrow. What happens next? Very little, as many tomorrows pass.
  • You simply need time to think about it - I totally get this one too. Just like hiring a financial planner or getting married/divorce, its a big decision. Again, all I can say here is that while you think about it, your life is moving along, maybe not so happily. You can find joy and contentment in life. You can renew your perspectives so that everything becomes new again. 

You are what you think. If you think you can't, you are right, you can't. However, with a few mindset changes, you CAN! Even if you don't want a Life Coach, consider this one thing. If you keep telling yourself you can't lose weight, you will be sad for the rest of your life, you are stuck in this life situation -- nothing will change. You deserve more.

Don't Waste Another Day of YOUR LIFE -- 
Talk to me... let's see where life leads you!

I understand all of these objections. I really do. Life is not easy, especially in today's crazy society. However, you do control your life. You can learn to control your thoughts too. 

Life is totally what YOU make of it. Your attitude matters. Heck, your LIFE MATTERS!

Your life has many possibilities. You need to think out of the box. Be open to life again. 

How do you Eat an Elephant? One small bite at a time.

Make a plan. Take action, baby step by baby step on that plan.

Small actions will change your life.

 Free Chat Opportunity with Wendy!

Use form below to write to me. Tell me something about you and your issue(s). The box will expand as you type -- so go ahead and tell me what you need to.

I will respond with possible dates we could talk. One half-hour chat at no cost to see if we could work together. Will our personalities work together? Do we both enjoy the chat? If we do, we will discuss what I might help you with!

Who knows? Sometimes a short coaching chat will bring new perspectives into your life!

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