Learning Style

Easily Improve Memory & Recall

"Learning Style" is a bonus section to my Free Self Help Tutorial. It is written to help you learn and retain the information with greater ease.

If you already enjoy the benefits of memory retention and quick recall, skip this and go to Step One - Scientific Brain Research

How do you grasp new ideas?

How you learn may vary slightly from others, but I have discovered key elements to accepting and learning new information which you would be wise to understand.

In a section of this website I discuss recent scientific brain research and explain "conscious filters."

For now, simply accept our brain filters information based on our current belief system. (This makes sense, yes?)

Think of a time when everyone believed the world was flat. Even when it was discovered to be round, many still had trouble accepting this concept due to their beliefs.

Conscious filters are dangerous if left unchecked!

When you are not aware of these filters, you may experience one of two problems when applying any learning style to grasp key concepts.

  • It is easy to close your mind in disbelief to any new or controversial ideas.
  • When presented with information you have heard before the tendency is to think “I already know this” which again immediately closes your mind to learning.

Unfortunately, once your mind is closed to anything new or controversial it becomes extremely difficult to learn and accept new concepts. Our world is evolving very quickly. There are vast amounts of new knowledge presented to us every day.

Improved methods are constantly being discovered for everything from achieving optimum health to accumulating wealth.

Those who keep an open mind and are hungry for improved techniques will live an outstanding life, while those who hang onto their old beliefs will be left behind to suffer with lack.

Why am I telling you this?

Simple, most of what I present on this website is really going to stretch your beliefs to the limit. Improving your learning style will greatly enhance your experience and improve retention of the information I present.

As you study the steps in this site, keep in mind that much of what I present is based on scientific research. (Hopefully, this will help to keep your filters in check.)

Spaced Repetition:

As I explained about your conscious filters, realize that new concepts are seldom, if ever, absorbed with your first exposure.

For new information or techniques to become part of you, they must be repeated at least six times.

There are no two identical minutes in your lifetime. How you think, feel and absorb new information is different each time you read it. Therefore, you interpret new meaning with each exposure.

Here is how the learning process looks:

  • 1st exposure: “I don’t believe.”
  • 2nd exposure: “I understand the information, but I don’t accept it as truth.”
  • 3rd exposure: “I agree with the concepts but don’t believe they will work for me.”
  • 4th exposure: “This information pretty well expresses how I feel about _____.” (the subject)
  • 5th exposure: “I used this information today and it works great – I am now a believer.”
  • 6th exposure: Now you own the idea. It is part of you and you are happy to share your new knowledge with others.

Often it has been stated for anything to become a new habit requires at least twenty one days of repetition.

If you feel good about any newly acquired skill and wish to make it a permanent habit, continue practicing for 21 consecutive days.

I hope this short explanation of learning style will make a huge impact on your ability to acquire and retain new concepts. Ultimately, applying this learning style will get you unstuck and help clear the path to your ultimate success.

Always remember there are new or better ideas opening up to your consciousness every day. When you are exposed and keep an open mind, you will discover numerous opportunities that perhaps you would have previously dismissed as B.S.

I suggest when you are reading anything, if you are intuitively interested in the subject, accept perhaps now is the correct time for you to learn it.

Remember “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

Click the link and you will now see how your Learning Style affects Short Term Memory Loss.